zondag 6 oktober 2013

A Weird Awakening

When I opened my eyes I found myself somewhere in a huge tree, surrounded by Koala bears. They were clinged to the tree, all staring at me, except for one, who was standing on the branch right in front of me, chewing leaves with an uninterested expression on his bear face. I noticed I wasn't wearing my tight pants anymore, instead I was dressed in the same clothes I wore when I left the USA, except they were not at all clean anymore. The Koala bear in front of me raised his eyebrows, and lowered them again, while taking another bite of the leaves he was holding. "It's good to see you awake," he said, "you were out cold when we dragged you up this tree three months ago." "Three months ago?" I asked, "I'm sorry, I am kind of confused about what happened when, since I have been time travelling a lot lately." The old bear laughed. "Time travel, you say? I fear you have suffered from some brain damage. What the hell were you doing anyway before you lost consienceness on the airport toilet?" I was flabbergasted. I was handed some leaves, and while I chewed them the Koala bear explained to me what happened. Apparently, I had missed my flight back home, and was found in the toilets next to a Koala Kare thingy. Late at night one of the bears found me there, and dragged me to Central Park into a huge tree, the home of the Koala Kare Bears. "Are you guys like the Care Bears I know from television?" I asked. The bears laughed. "No," the old one said, "They suck. But we care about them anyway. Thats how we roll."

It was all a weird dream, the time travel, Anton's secret, the mission. All this time I was unconsious in an airport restroom, and later in some tree in Central Park. "Not really a dream," the old bear said, "after we put you on this branch here, you had some really weird brain activity. Also, you wet your pants, but that's besides the subject right now." "Did I say that outloud?" "No, I was reading your mind, we read minds easily when we chew these leaves here. Especially when humans have urinated on them." I immediately spitted out the leaves I was chewing. The bears laughed. "What happens now? I need to get back to the Netherlands..." "No worries," the old bear said, "tonight we will all chew leaves and connect our thoughts, works great for problem solving. Meanwhile, we sit on this branch and wait for the Care Bears to arrive. We run a group therapy session for depressed Care Bears who stopped caring. A new supply of leaves will be coming in later, if you would be so kind to pee over them, everything will work out great."

I sat back and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe all the stuff I had been trough didn't really happen. It was a relief too, in a way, since the whole time travel thing was wearing me out. I fell asleep, and woke up again when one of the Koala Kare Bears was pulling my shoestring. A few moments later, they all gathered in a big circle around me, eagarly watching the leaves get soaked while I was peeing on them. They started chewing them, and when they closed their eyes I could see they were all moving simultaniously. After twenty minutes the old bear opened his eyes and smiled. "I have the solution!" "What is it, what is it?" I asked. "We will call Anton."